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Simple Strat Blog

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The 5 Steps of the Marketing Research Process ( + Infographic)

Think back to a time when you didn’t have all of your facts straight. Maybe it led to an awkward foot-in-mouth moment, an argument, or being late for an event.  

Posted on May 28, 2019

11 Inspirational B2B Marketing Examples (with Tips & Takeaways)

Is marketing just for flashy products that fly off the shelves? Or can it really make a difference for manufacturing companies? For leadership consultants? For service providers?

Posted on May 07, 2019

How to Write Your Personal Brand Statement (use these formulas)

Hundreds of times in your professional life, you're going to be asked -- "So, what do you do?"

Not knowing the answer to this powerful question can make or break your first impression with another person.

Posted on April 19, 2019

21 Thought Leadership Quotes Every CEO and Marketer Should Know

Read some of our favorite quotes to get an inside look on thought leadership from the people who have been in your shoes, from CEOs and company advisors to thought leadership experts. For further reading, check out our ultimate guide to thought leadership, or our list of thought leadership tactics.

Posted on April 09, 2019

How to Be a Guest on a Podcast (As Told by Memes)

Podcasts have been called a lot of things.

The new radio. The future of blogs. The new book.

While the lasting impact of podcasts is still unknown, they’re a great tactic to build your thought leadership. Forbes said as much in 2017 when they said that, “Getting featured on TV or publishing a book still serve as gold standards for having achieved expert status, but podcasting has made it...

Posted on April 03, 2019

14 Little-Known Secrets to Growing a Thought Leader Brand on LinkedIn

It’s easy to find blogs about building your presence on LinkedIn. Post! Add articles! Network and add people!

But we’re shooting a bit higher here. Rather than telling you the basics, here are a few little-known secrets to help you break through the noise.

Posted on March 19, 2019

3 Influential Women and Their Personal Brands (with Examples)

What do powerful leaders in well-known companies have in common?

Posted on March 12, 2019

HubSpot for Startups: Good Deal or Costly Mistake?

As you launch your business, there are a million things you’re told you should do and think about.

Posted on February 01, 2019

What is a HubSpot Partner Agency?

Think back to group projects in school. Maybe, like me, you’ve been actively working to blot those from your brain. But humor me. 

Posted on January 23, 2019

HubSpot Onboarding with HubSpot vs a HubSpot Partner Agency

So you've decided to purchase HubSpot to grow your business?


That's a big decision, but a good one. 

Now comes the next tricky question. How should you get started with HubSpot and learn how it all works?

Posted on December 13, 2018

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