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5 Tips for Amazing Customer Testimonial Videos (with Interview Guide)

Telling someone about your product or service is important, but having someone else share about their own experience can really move the needle.

Posted on January 03, 2020

Getting the Most Out Of HubSpot Live Chat

In a world of nearly constant emails, social media posts, and marketing messages, the idea of a conversation is often lost.

Posted on November 04, 2019

How to Get the Most from HubSpot Video

These days, most of us understand the power of video in marketing and sales. But harnessing that power is a whole other story.

Posted on October 10, 2019

11 Horrible Mistakes We’ve Seen in Email Marketing Strategy

Pet peeves are a regular part of life. We all have our email pet peeves, like overused sign-offs or long-winded messages. But today we’re going to tackle email marketing mishaps that are far worse.

In our many years of experience with email marketing, we’ve had an inside look at the mistakes that have been overlooked when someone presses send.

Posted on August 01, 2019

Value Proposition Templates + Examples for Software Companies

Is your value proposition a clear reflection of what your company does and the benefits you offer? Or is it nothing more than a vague statement that could apply to your company….and ten other companies, too?

Posted on July 26, 2019

7 Lessons to Learn from Growth Marketing

In the world of marketing it can be a challenge to know if something is a fad...or here to stay.

Posted on July 18, 2019

Brand Promise vs. Tagline: What’s the Difference?

When we start talking about branding, there’s a lot of jargon out there. You need a brand guide, a value proposition, brand positioning, brand personality, brand experience...the list goes on and on. But what do you actually need to build an impactful brand? And where should you start?

Posted on July 11, 2019

Why Performance Marketing & Inbound Strategy Make a Powerful Combination

As we talk with business owners and executives across different industries, one thing is true of them all: they want measurable results, and they want them now. They also want to know where their marketing dollars go—and to see that investment drive results for their business.

Posted on July 02, 2019

A Marketer’s Guide to the Value Proposition Canvas

Every entrepreneur knows how to draw out the business model canvas on a whiteboard. Why? Because it's a critical for business success. It forces you to establish the core of the venture and figure out what levers you need to pull to make it a go. 

But the canvas isn't a tool just for entrepreneurs or startups. In fact, we believe marketers should be intimately familiar with the business model...

Posted on June 18, 2019

43 Value Proposition Examples You’ll Want to Steal

Within 5 seconds, your value proposition should tell potential customers what you do and the value you can offer them. But that can be hard to do. In fact, many value propositions miss the mark.

Posted on June 07, 2019

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