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Selling Services? 17 Ways to Use HubSpot for Lead Gen and Growth

Selling services is tricky: clients have to invest in something they can't see or touch beforehand. Unlike physical gadgets, you can't put your team’s expertise on a shelf for people to browse. Instead, it comes down more to reputation and references.

Posted on June 25, 2024

Top 26 HubSpot Hacks for Marketing Pros

If you've invested in HubSpot Marketing Hub, you know the promise: powerful growth, streamlined processes, a happy team. But let's be real – there's a TON of info out there on HubSpot.

Posted on February 23, 2024

How to Use Video to Move Leads Through the Sales Funnel Stages

Most of us in marketing and sales are after one thing: more closed sales. Oh, and if we could get that additional revenue without adding to our crazy workload or tight marketing budget, that would be nice too right?

Well, leveraging the power of video marketing is one way to make that happen. By creating video content that is strategically designed to move your leads through the sales funnel, you...

Posted on June 27, 2017

Lead Scoring Best Practices for Better Qualified Leads

Creating a lead scoring model for your company can be a complex process. But, if it’s done correctly, it can have a major impact on the results of your sales and marketing efforts. It can also help your company better align your sales and marketing teams by ensuring that the leads marketing is delivering to sales are pre-qualified and ready to buy.

If you’re looking into launching lead scoring at...

Posted on June 13, 2017

5 Reasons Why You Should Invest in Lead Nurturing Software 

“Hi, nice to meet you! Let’s get married.” 

That's as crazy as it sounds, but if you’re pushing the wrong message to your leads, this is exactly what they might hear. 

Lead nurturing is like dating. Come to think of it, so is most marketing and sales activity. The technical definition of lead nurturing is the process of developing relationships with buyers at every stage of the sales funnel, ...

Posted on June 08, 2017

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