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3 Influential Women and Their Personal Brands (with Examples)

What do powerful leaders in well-known companies have in common?

Posted on March 12, 2019

HubSpot for Startups: Good Deal or Costly Mistake?

As you launch your business, there are a million things you’re told you should do and think about.

Posted on February 01, 2019

What is a HubSpot Partner Agency?

Think back to group projects in school. Maybe, like me, you’ve been actively working to blot those from your brain. But humor me. 

Posted on January 23, 2019

HubSpot Onboarding with HubSpot vs a HubSpot Partner Agency

So you've decided to purchase HubSpot to grow your business?


That's a big decision, but a good one. 

Now comes the next tricky question. How should you get started with HubSpot and learn how it all works?

Posted on December 13, 2018

12 Foolproof Tips for Writing Better Web Content

According to research done by HubSpot, 55% of marketers say that blogging is their top inbound priority and 43% of people admit to skimming blog posts. For most of us, blogging is simply a way for us to put our content out for the world to see. Keeping this in mind, you’ll notice there is a ton of competition and not a lot of people that are thoroughly reading blog posts. So, how do you write...

Posted on September 20, 2018

10 of the Best Podcasts Every Marketing Director Should Listen To

Podcasts are hot, and marketers everywhere are jumping on board. It’s no secret that our team loves podcasts. Every conversation in the office starts with, “So I was listening to this podcast….” (it’s true).

Because we’re addicted to content in our earbuds, we often get asked – “What are your favorite podcasts?” or “What podcasts should I listen to?”

It’s time to answer that and share 10 of the...

Posted on September 04, 2018

Build Lead Generation as a Manufacturer with Research Reports

The world of manufacturing is extremely competitive and ever evolving.

Yet, while many manufacturers have leveraged technology in the manufacturing process itself, relatively few have transitioned their marketing into the digital realm.

But that’s changing quickly.

Posted on August 17, 2018

Sales Software Tools: What You Need & Why You Need Them

Marketers play an important role in influencing and advising technology adoption in the sales and marketing departments – including the “growth stack” or set of tools designed to work together to achieve a desired result. In this case, you’re looking for increased performance and better results for sales and marketing. According to LinkedIn's State of Sales 2016 report, the tools that a...

Posted on July 26, 2018

How to Conduct a Killer Mid-Year Marketing Audit

There are several times throughout the year where it makes sense to review progress and analyze the effectiveness of your marketing. This might be at the end of the month, end of the quarter, the halfway point, or year-end.

Posted on July 10, 2018

The Benefit of Adding Video to your Email Campaigns

Communication has changed drastically over the last decade. Even just a few years ago, email was merely a channel of words and a few images to make it look more engaging and creative.

Posted on June 29, 2018
by Covideo

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