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HubSpot for Outlook: How to Stop Clicking and Start Selling

Using Microsoft Outlook? Connect it to your HubSpot account and simplify your workflow, with an integration that transforms HubSpot into your business’s central communication hub.

Posted on October 16, 2024

5 Types of Emails Every B2B Company Should be Using in 2024

When we talk about email marketing strategy, most of us tend to think of one category: promotional emails. That’s typically because we tend to see email like a quick one-off:

Posted on May 09, 2024

Email Marketing Best Practices: 11 Ways to Improve Results

It's easy to assume that email marketing is dead when your campaigns fall short of expectations. That’s because there are a lot of ways to get email wrong, and unfortunately lots of people end up having to learn that the hard way.

Posted on May 09, 2024

The Right Way to Re-Engage Unengaged Contacts in HubSpot

If you're noticing more unengaged contacts in your HubSpot lists, it's time to take action. These inactive subscribers aren't just sitting idle—they're actually hurting your email campaigns and could even ruin your domain's reputation. You might soon be dealing with increased spam reports and a damaging drop in your email deliverability.

Posted on May 01, 2024

Top 26 HubSpot Hacks for Marketing Pros

If you've invested in HubSpot Marketing Hub, you know the promise: powerful growth, streamlined processes, a happy team. But let's be real – there's a TON of info out there on HubSpot.

Posted on February 23, 2024

New 2024 Email Rules: What HubSpot Users Need to Know

If you're a HubSpot user, there's a significant update you should be aware of – one that could dramatically impact your email marketing effectiveness.

Posted on January 31, 2024

When to Use Marketing Emails versus Sales Emails in HubSpot

Your business is growing, and you're exploring the vast ocean of opportunities that HubSpot offers to help you engage with your customers effectively. But if you’re like many users, you may find yourself confused about the different email types nested in different sections of HubSpot. 

Posted on April 11, 2023

11 Horrible Mistakes We’ve Seen in Email Marketing Strategy

Pet peeves are a regular part of life. We all have our email pet peeves, like overused sign-offs or long-winded messages. But today we’re going to tackle email marketing mishaps that are far worse.

In our many years of experience with email marketing, we’ve had an inside look at the mistakes that have been overlooked when someone presses send.

Posted on August 01, 2019

The Benefit of Adding Video to your Email Campaigns

Communication has changed drastically over the last decade. Even just a few years ago, email was merely a channel of words and a few images to make it look more engaging and creative.

Posted on June 29, 2018
by Covideo

Building Buyer Personas: Interview Questions, Examples, and Template

As marketers, our lives get easier when we know more about our ideal customers. The more we know about them, the easier it is to communicate with them, offer value to them, and sell our products and services to them.Buyer personas are an awesome tool for ensuring that we have all the information we need, and organizing that information in a way that's easy to understand. Essentially, buyer...

Posted on January 23, 2018

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