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Simple Strat Blog

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Reduce Customer Churn with These 7 Powerful Types of Content

Are your customers using your product to its fullest potential? Chances are they’re not — and that’s dangerous for your bottom line.

One major reason customers stop using a product is because they’re not experiencing its full value. If they don’t understand your full feature set or aren’t sure how to use the tools in innovative ways, they aren’t as likely to stick around.

Posted on May 28, 2020

B2B SaaS SEO: How To Drive Traffic That Converts

Are you over seeing your closest competitors outranking you on Google? Tired of cranking out content that never gets seen in search results? Do you wish your point of view was read and shared a lot more often?

Yah. You’re not alone.

Posted on May 12, 2020

Worn Out on Webinars? Get 12 Fresh Ideas to Connect Virtually

TBD. Rescheduled. Postponed. Canceled. Eliminated. Demolished?!?!

Whatever you want to call it, our plans to connect have been changed. With health directives calling for increased distancing and governmental recommendations changing every day, marketers are turning to online events. 

It’s no surprise. They’re a legitimate way to deliver value and unite with your customers.

But, tell us, just how...

Posted on April 17, 2020

How to Change Up Your Content Marketing During a Crisis

Whether you like it or not, the COVID-19 fallout will be with us for a while. So much so that even when the curve begins to drop, we will still be seeing the effects of the virus in our company’s day-to-day operations.

All this to say, you can’t just ignore what is happening here and now. Why? 

Posted on April 13, 2020

B2B SaaS Marketing: Your Guide to Growth

The B2B software as a service (SaaS) industry is relatively young — especially compared to other markets. With an entirely unique and rapidly changing business landscape, many SaaS marketers are still figuring out what works best for growing and scaling their company.

But despite the relatively immature marketing environment, B2B SaaS companies aren’t operating in complete darkness. In fact, the...

Posted on March 31, 2020

Supercharging Your SaaS Business Model for Hypergrowth

First described in Harvard Business Review in 2008, hypergrowth is “the steep part of the S-curve that most young markets and industries experience at some point, where the winners get sorted from the losers.” It’s at this point where SaaS marketers reach a key turning point in their business — either tune in and take off or be taken out by the competition.

Posted on February 20, 2020

How to Become a Thought Leader with These Proven Content Ideas

Can anyone be a thought leader? The short answer is yes.

Posted on February 06, 2020

SaaS Sales Tips: 4 Ways to Close More B2B Deals

One of the most important goals for a SaaS company is acquiring new customers. In fact, a study from Reply.io showed that new customer acquisition was the highest priority for more than 89% of SaaS companies – followed by existing customer renewals and upsell/add-on sales.

Posted on January 30, 2020

6 Things You Can Learn From Industry Experts to Become One Yourself

Ever wonder how a thought leader becomes a thought leader? So have we. And the one thing we know for sure: It doesn’t happen overnight. It takes hard work, dedication, and perseverance – and sometimes even a dash of luck.

Posted on January 23, 2020

HubSpot vs Marketo: A Comprehensive Comparison

Are you in charge of improving your ROI and looking for the best tools for the job?

Posted on January 09, 2020

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