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Our 11 Favorite Free Marketing Analytics Tools

In the data-driven world we live in, companies and marketers need to be measuring data constantly and leveraging numbers and insights where they can to make decisions.

Posted on May 29, 2018

Measuring Performance: 10 Marketing Metrics to Track

Many business owners and entrepreneurs recognize the power of marketing, and its role in growing their companies. Where it gets sticky though, is how much to invest in marketing.We understand that. But the investment conversation becomes much easier when you have metrics associated with your marketing so you can see what its doing for your organization and how its contributing to the bottom line....

Posted on May 26, 2018

Becoming Known: 10 Top Thought Leaders for Inspiration

Want to grow your thought leadership efforts, but not sure where to start?

Let us save you some time. 

We’ve chronicled some of our favorite thought leaders in the marketing, business, and multimedia spaces and pulled together a list of 10 that are worthy to watch. By watching and observing these individuals, hopefully you’ll get some ideas of your own!

Posted on May 04, 2018

Building Blocks of a Thought Leader's Personal Website (+ Examples)

Your personal brand as a business owner, entrepreneur, or marketer is very important as people are “googling you” whether you like it or not. It’s important that they find a reputation and presence online that accurately represents what you know, the value you provide, and how they can connect with you. 

Posted on May 02, 2018

The 15 Minute Guide to PR and Generating Media Coverage for Your Company

Despite all of the ways to promote your content online, there is still one silver bullet if you can manage to track it down.

Posted on April 10, 2018

Sales Tips: 3 Things You Need to Be Successful At Sales

If you do a quick search for "sales tips", you'll get more than 1.5 million results. Whoa. It's safe to say there's a wealth of information out there for how to get better at sales, whether you're in sales or not.

Posted on March 19, 2018

Tagged Sales, Sales Tools

The Top 5 Free Sales Tools in the HubSpot CRM

CRMs can be amazing tools for salespeople and marketers. But they can also be a huge pain.

It’s all about how you use them.

We see a ton of companies who use their CRMs only to store customer information, and many don’t even do that well. Your CRM shouldn’t be a big messy database that sucks up all your time and gives you an anxiety attack every time you open it.

Posted on February 20, 2018

Building Buyer Personas: Interview Questions, Examples, and Template

As marketers, our lives get easier when we know more about our ideal customers. The more we know about them, the easier it is to communicate with them, offer value to them, and sell our products and services to them.Buyer personas are an awesome tool for ensuring that we have all the information we need, and organizing that information in a way that's easy to understand. Essentially, buyer...

Posted on January 23, 2018

33 Video Marketing Tips for Success

Video marketing is on every marketer's to-do list for 2018. But how do you do it well? 
Though video is a must-have medium, many companies still don't have a video resource in-house. But that's okay. The 33 video marketing tips in this article will help you produce better video for your company while learning a few things along the way. 
These tips were originally presented at Inbound17, ...
Posted on January 16, 2018

Video Marketing Guide: How to use video to market your business

Many news outlets have proclaimed 2018 as “the year of video”. We agree, but to be honest – the last few years have all been touted as the year of video.

Posted on January 12, 2018

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