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Tyler Samani-Sprunk

Tyler Samani-Sprunk leads our marketing and strategic partnership efforts at Simple Strat. He uses his experience in running his own agency and his passion for helping business owners fulfill their dreams to help us and our clients grow.
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Recent Posts

Creating a Content Funnel – When and Where to Start

Embarking on the journey to develop a content marketing strategy can be daunting. A well-built content funnel is a powerful tool for establishing thought leadership and generating leads, but a quick glance at many content marketing how-tos can be an overwhelming experience.There are seemingly thousands of (sometimes conflicting) best practices, frameworks, infographics, theories, and case...

Posted on June 22, 2023

HubSpot Workflows: The Ultimate Guide

Tired of manual data entry and cleanup in your CRM? Don’t have time to follow up with all your leads? Want to get more positive reviews online? Workflows can help with these and much, much more.

Posted on May 18, 2023

HubSpot Pricing and 8 Steps to Picking the Right Package

Exploring a tool like HubSpot but wondering how to decide between an endless collection of plans?

It can be confusing to navigate through all of the feature and "levels" that HubSpot offers, so this post should help you better understand HubSpot pricing structures, and which package makes the most sense for your organization.

Posted on March 15, 2023

What is HubSpot Meetings and How Do I Use It?

Communication is key to achieving business success. Thanks to the digital age, communication tools have expanded into a wide range of possibilities.

The HubSpot Meetings tool is one that sales teams and business executives can use to not only streamline communications, but to also eliminate the friction that often leads to missed sales opportunities.

Posted on March 14, 2023

What Is Hubspot and What Can I Do with It?

If you’re starting to scale your business and looking at digital marketing platforms or CRMs, HubSpot is one of the first tools you’ll hear about, and with good reason. HubSpot provides a powerful, all-in-one solution to coordinate your marketing, sales, service, web content, and even operations.

Posted on February 10, 2023

HubSpot Deal Stages: 7 Keys to Success

Some of the most common issues we see when evaluating clients' use of HubSpot stems from issues with how they use deals and deal stages. Data cleanliness, user adoption, forecasting accuracy, are all impacted by how you use deals.

Thankfully, as common as these mistakes are, they’re avoidable — and reversible.

Posted on October 24, 2022

Tagged HubSpot, Sales

Is HubSpot’s Email Marketing Tool Worth It?

Email isn’t dead. In fact, 59% of B2B marketers say email is their most effective channel for revenue generation — something many businesses learned as pandemic lockdowns forced everyone to get better at digital marketing.

Posted on August 21, 2022

Tagged HubSpot

The Bar Has Been Raised: 5 Angles for Higher Quality Content

“If you write a blog post a week, you’ll have 52 more webpages by the end of the year that Google could show in search results.”

That’s one of the first things I heard about content marketing, and it’s a great representation of the prevailing ideas about how to succeed in the early days. In short: create a bunch of content and you’ll reap the rewards. The more content you create, the better.

Posted on March 14, 2022

What Blog Post Titles Make Them Click? 13 Experts Weigh In

Why are you here? Most likely, it’s because the title intrigued you, and promised to meet your need — without explaining exactly how.

So, what makes one blog post title more effective than another? And what are the keys to crafting winning blog post titles that inspire readers to invest their time in the content you’ve created?

Simply put, “outstanding blog titles promise the reader value in a...

Posted on September 10, 2020

Reduce Customer Churn with These 7 Powerful Types of Content

Are your customers using your product to its fullest potential? Chances are they’re not — and that’s dangerous for your bottom line.

One major reason customers stop using a product is because they’re not experiencing its full value. If they don’t understand your full feature set or aren’t sure how to use the tools in innovative ways, they aren’t as likely to stick around.

Posted on May 28, 2020

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