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The 10 Biggest HubSpot Updates from INBOUND 2024

Written by Tyler Samani-Sprunk | September 18, 2024

There’s a lot to get excited about at this year’s INBOUND conference, with HubSpot rolling out major updates across the board. From the new seamlessly integrated AI features to tools that make sales and marketing teams more effective, HubSpot is making a serious play to establish itself as the major platform for business.  

Out of 200+ new features to check out, we’ve narrowed down our top 10 favorite updates that you should be paying attention to. Whether you’re looking to automate workflows, personalize customer experiences, or level up your data management, these updates will help your team do more with less and deliver better results.

Let’s dive into the most impactful new features and what they mean for your business.

1. Breeze Copilot — automate tasks, simplify work

HubSpot’s new Breeze AI is here to make life easier for marketing, sales, and support teams. We know many teams feel AI is too complicated or risky to rely on, but Breeze is making AI far more accessible and easy to use across marketing, sales, and customer support.

Taking all the new AI features you’ve seen in HubSpot and ChatSpot this past year and integrating them more naturally into HubSpot, you get Breeze Copilot:

This AI tool helps you by automating tasks and simplifying everyday work. It works right inside HubSpot and is connected directly with your CRM data, offering real-time insights and recommendations to get things done faster.

  • For sales, Breeze Copilot makes prospecting easier, helping you research companies, prepare for calls, and manage pipelines. It recommends actions like meeting prep and follow-ups, and provides quick CRM summaries to keep things moving.
  • Marketers can use it to write, edit, and improve content like emails, blog posts, and landing pages right where you’re already creating them, all while keeping your brand voice consistent.
  • Support teams benefit from faster ticket management with smart recommendations for resolving issues and personalized responses.

Whether you’re looking to boost your team’s productivity or just make smarter decisions, Breeze takes on the busywork so you can focus on the big stuff that really matters. With this update, impactful AI use cases are baked into your existing day-to-day work and using them are, well, a breeze.

2. Breeze Agents — helpful AI assistants for everyone

This update takes HubSpot AI to the next level. HubSpot’s new Breeze Agents are built to help teams get more done without the hassle. These AI helpers handle repetitive tasks so you can focus on the work that really moves the needle—whether that’s creating content, managing social media, or closing deals.

Sales teams get a big win with the Breeze Prospecting Agent, which finds the right leads, personalizes outreach, and automates outreach, keeping your pipeline full around the clock.

For marketers, the Breeze Social Media Agent takes the stress out of managing multiple platforms. It creates, schedules, and optimizes posts all in one place, saving you time and boosting engagement.

Breeze Content Agent makes it easy to whip up high-quality blog posts, landing pages, and podcasts, even in multiple languages, helping you keep up with demand without sacrificing quality.

The Breeze Customer Agent helps service teams respond faster with automated replies and smart ticket routing, making customer support smoother and more efficient.

In short, Breeze Agents let your team focus on what matters most, while AI handles the rest.

3. Breeze Intelligence — know more about your audience

The evolution from HubSpot’s Clearbit to “Breeze Intelligence” helps you fix the problem of messy, incomplete data by bringing everything together in HubSpot. With over 200 million buyer and company profiles and 40+ constantly updated attributes, it keeps your CRM data fresh and accurate.  

Automatic data enrichment: Breeze Intelligence automatically enriches contacts and companies when they’re added, and you can even bulk enrich larger lists. Just keep in mind, enrichment uses credits, so how much you can do depends on your plan! 

Identifying buyer intent: now it’s easier to spot high-intent customers. You can set specific criteria like key pages visited on your site or company size and see which target accounts are showing interest. The tool gives you a clear, actionable list so you can engage the right leads, fast.

Form shortening: It also improves your form conversion rates by automatically shortening forms (removing fields with known information), making it easier for known contacts to fill them out—while still collecting the important data you need.

4. A new “Case Studies” asset type for easier content development

Writing great case studies for marketing collateral takes time and a lot of effort, pulling in different people and diving into data. HubSpot’s new case study tool simplifies the process by linking directly to your CRM, so you can easily draw data on case study subjects, pulling metrics to highlight and creating strong, high-impact case studies faster. Instead of spending hours collecting info, you’ll get easy access to the data you need.  

The tool also lets you publish your case studies as engaging web pages with just a few clicks, so you can showcase customer success stories without the usual hassle. It’s a simple, efficient way to turn customer proof into valuable content. 

5. Embed content on your third-party site — personalized based on your CRM data

Integrating CRM data into a non-HubSpot site like Wordpress can be a real pain. With HubSpot's new content embed update, it's now super easy to personalize your website content—no matter what CMS you’re using.

Now, you can create personalized content within HubSpot and embed it into any website platform with a simple embed code. This means you can deliver a consistent and personalized experience to your visitors, no matter what CMS you use. This feature saves you time and helps personalize your customers’ website experience—all without the usual hassle.

6. Publish videos to YouTube… from HubSpot

HubSpot now lets you publish YouTube videos directly from the platform, making it easier to tap into short-form video—the top-converting channel over the past two years. Previously, HubSpot only supported LinkedIn and Instagram Reels, but now you can manage YouTube too, all in one place.  

You can also monitor comments and track how your videos perform, helping you fine-tune your video strategy without jumping between tools. With everything centralized, you’ll spend less time managing content and more time using video to drive leads and grow your business.

7. Simple yet powerful new lead scoring capabilities

The new lead scoring update makes it easier to spot high-potential leads and tailor your scoring to what matters most. Using AI, it helps you identify leads most likely to buy based on their actions, campaign interactions, and demographics — and routes them straight to your sales team.

The new features make scoring even more powerful:

  • You can now customize based on any event, including Custom and Unified Events
  • Time Decay gives priority to new leads over those that have gone quiet
  • Advanced Weighting lets you adjust how much certain criteria matter, giving you full control over your scoring process

Balancing increasingly advanced capabilities with a simple setup, you’ll want to jump on this one quickly.

8. Do more with dynamic forms

HubSpot’s Dynamic Forms update makes it easier for marketers to create forms that convert. With new features like multi-step forms, you can guide visitors through a simple process, reducing drop-offs. You also get more control over the look and feel of your forms to match your brand.

Conditional logic and redirects let you personalize the experience based on what users enter, and CRM validation helps cut down on spam while keeping your data clean. Plus, form shortening reduces unnecessary fields, making it quicker for visitors to fill out. The result? More leads and better-quality submissions.

9. Data sets are now in Operations Hub Pro

Operations Hub Professional just got a big upgrade with new dataset features. Previously only available at the Enterprise level, users can now create up to five customizable datasets on Professional. Datasets allow you to join data, build formulas, and transform it for better use across the platform. 

This update introduces a bunch of helpful new use cases, such as:

  • Sales cycle analysis — uncover data like average sales cycle length and unaddressed at-risk deal revenue
  • Closed-lost analysis — how quickly is your team closing deals when cost is the primary loss reason? Has your team become more efficient at reducing lost revenue per loss reason?
  • Calculating NRR — this will be especially helpful for SaaS companies. Easily track customer growth by comparing lost and won revenue, providing a clear view of overall business health.

Plus, pre-built datasets are now available for all Enterprise and Professional Hubs, simplifying reporting for teams. 

By using datasets, you can aggregate and manage data more effectively, ensuring your reports are accurate and easy to use, giving your team the insights they need to act quickly.

10. Easily manage objects with the new HubSpot Object Library

HubSpot’s Object Library just got a big boost. Now, all Pro users can access new object types and industry-specific templates—no need for an Enterprise plan or tricky workarounds. You can now easily manage things like Appointments, Property Listings, Courses, and Services, making it way easier to customize HubSpot for your business.

They’ve also added tailored templates for industries like healthcare, real estate, and education to speed up your setup.

Whether you’re in marketing, sales, or customer service, these tools will help you focus on what matters most—growing your business and delivering better experiences for your customers. To get help taking full advantage of these new features, book a call with a HubSpot expert today.