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7 Ways to Drive Growth with Breeze Intelligence

Written by Tyler Samani-Sprunk | September 18, 2024

HubSpot has just unveiled Breeze Intelligence, an upgrade and rebrand of its Clearbit solution, aimed at delivering a more streamlined, unified experience for businesses. Breeze Intelligence keeps your CRM data up to date, helps you spot high-intent leads, and makes forms easier for customers to fill out—and you don’t even have to leave HubSpot to do it.

With a new mountain of (pre-organized) data at your fingertips now in HubSpot, marketing and sales teams are getting a huge boost. So how should you be using Breeze Intelligence?

1. Automatically enrich your CRM records

Breeze Intelligence can continuously enrich your CRM with over 40+ data attributes, pulling real-time info like industry, revenue, and employee count for your contacts and companies from HubSpot’s continually-updated database.

Breeze Intelligence is built on a combination of data sources — from third-party vendors, from across the internet, and public data. They then use LLMs and AI extract, normalize, and categorize data to provide you with up-to-date company and buyer profiles.

Whether it’s a single record or bulk enrichment, your CRM stays fresh and accurate without manual input. You have many options for how to go about enriching your contact data though, whether it’s an automation for bulk net-new contacts, batches from your lists, or just single contacts at a time. 

This automation not only reduces the workload on your team but also minimizes the risk of human error in data entry. By having detailed and accurate records, you can segment your audience more effectively, personalize your communications, and ultimately build stronger relationships with your customers.

Plus, with over 200 million buyer and company profiles at your disposal, you'll always be working with the most up-to-date information.

2. Identify high-intent leads

Breeze Intelligence helps your team zero in on the leads that matter most — the ones who are showing real interest. It tracks which pages people visit on your website (like your pricing or product pages), so you know who’s serious about buying. You get to set the rules on what counts as high intent, like specific pages or how many visits it takes to show they’re ready to act.

A major change here from past lead tracking is that Breeze Intelligence identifies companies that are showing interest in your products or services—even if they're not already in your HubSpot CRM. Sales teams can quickly add these new companies to the CRM with just a click, complete with enriched data like industry, size, and key contacts. 

The Breeze dashboard gives you a clear list of these high-intent leads, so your sales team can take action right away. You can filter the list by things like company size, location, or industry, making sure you’re always targeting the leads that fit your business best. 

By knowing exactly who’s ready to take the next step, your sales reps can reach out at the perfect moment, speeding up the sales process and closing deals faster.

3. Focus on the right prospects

Breeze enables you to set filters based on company size, location, industry, and revenue, allowing you to focus on leads that match your ideal customer profile. By setting target markets and defining the key attributes that matter most, you can zero in on high-potential prospects, ensuring you spend time on leads that are the best fit for your business.

For example, if you’re targeting mid-sized tech companies with over 200 employees, Breeze can flag those leads for you. It also helps you avoid wasting time on companies that don’t fit, like those outside your region or too small for your services. The result? You spend more time with leads that are more likely to convert.

As your business grows, you can easily tweak your filters to stay aligned with your goals. Whether you’re focusing on a new market or changing your ideal customer profile, Breeze helps you stay on track by continuously refining your lead pool. That means less time chasing dead ends and more time closing deals with the right prospects.

Pro Tip: if you want to make even better use of this data, you can set up rules to automatically assign leads to the most appropriate sales representatives.

4. Boost lead generation with automatic form shortening

Breeze Intelligence makes life easier for your customers by automatically shortening forms for people who’ve already given their info, or for whom HubSpot data enrichment found data for already.

When enabled in HubSpot's settings, forms dynamically adjust to show fewer fields for users whose information is already in your database. For instance, if a returning visitor has previously provided their email and company name, Breeze will remove those fields from the form, reducing redundancy. If you've enriched those contacts (i.e. you have other relevant data), Breeze can remove those fields too.

When you create forms, you can select which fields you want to be enabled to shorten. For instance, if you want the Company field always visible for visitors, you can disable form shortening for that field.

This leads to more people finishing the forms, which means better conversion rates for you. Plus, you’ll still get all the important data you need without slowing anyone down or risking mistakes from long, repetitive forms. It’s a win-win for both you and your customers.


5. Keep targeted campaigns updated with market shifts

With Breeze Intelligence, marketing teams can effortlessly keep their audience segments fresh and accurate. Imagine you're targeting tech companies in North America with 50 to 200 employees. Breeze automatically updates company profiles, so if one of those companies grows bigger or starts operating in Europe, you'll know.  

With this you can adjust your campaigns on the fly—maybe create a new segment for larger businesses or tweak your messaging for a European audience. By always aiming your emails, ads, and social media posts at the right folks with the right message, you'll see better engagement and get more out of your marketing efforts. 

6. Tailor your email campaigns

With detailed insights from data enrichment, you can whip up highly personalized email campaigns and landing pages. For instance, if you know a contact's role is in marketing at a mid-sized retail company, your email can address common marketing challenges in retail and offer solutions your product provides.

Similarly, a CEO might see high-level ROI information, while a technical lead might see detailed feature breakdowns. This personalization boosts engagement, as recipients feel the content speaks directly to their needs, leading to higher open rates, click-through rates, and conversions.

7. Personalize your website content for visitors

Marketing teams can use Breeze Intelligence to customize website content in real-time based on visitor data. Say a visitor from a healthcare company lands on your site — the website can automatically display healthcare-specific case studies or testimonials. Similarly, if the visitor's company uses certain technologies, you can highlight how your product integrates seamlessly with those tools.

This level of personalization makes your website more engaging and relevant to each visitor, increasing the likelihood they'll stay longer and interact with your content. It creates a personal experience that resonates with their specific interests and challenges, moving them further down the sales funnel.

Put simply, Breeze Intelligence helps your team work smarter by letting you focus on the right prospects, cutting down on manual work, and delivering more personalized experiences for your audience. With everything built right into HubSpot, Breeze keeps you flexible and ready to grow in a competitive market.

Ready to learn more about using Breeze Intelligence to drive growth? Book a call today.